
September 27, 2024




PCP conducts parent-teacher conferences twice a year (Fall: November and Spring: April) to increase family participation in the classroom and promote positive outcomes for parents, students, and schools.

Parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity to:

*Share developmental progress and growth with parents based on their child’s classroom observations, assessments, portfolios, and classroom activities.
*Become better acquainted with students’ strengths, needs, behaviors, and learning styles by learning about children from parents or guardians.
*Discuss enrichment or intervention strategies to support children’s development and issues that may impede students’ learning and growth.


For the conference, the administrator notifies the parents one month in advance through the Brightwheel app, and the parents sign-up according to their schedule, visit the classroom on the set schedule, and have a minimum 15 to 20-minute interview with the homeroom and assistant teachers. While the primary focus of parent-teacher conferences should be learning development, it is also important to discuss factors that can influence learning, such as student behavior and social-emotional development. Other topics may include standardized test results, individualized educational programs (IEP/IESP), peer relationships, classroom behavior, motivation and work habits, and student strengths and assignments. The conference may be held at any time at the request of school staff or parents. The Director will be a part of these conferences if needed. Support services can be offered through Project Act and the Abilities Network if there are concerns about a child’s development. All requests from a parent or guardian of a child enrolled at the school for a teacher to attend a conference/consultation concerning the child outside the School shall be submitted to the Director.


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